

Bullmoose Bullmastiffs
Our Adult Page



 Our  Males


Our Mature Males


CH. Bullmoose Wild About Harry  (Age 10)


Our Breeding Males


Ladybug Eragon of Bullmoose (Tex)


CH. Bullmoose Whispering Smith (Fred)



Bullmoose the Shadow Knows (TJ) 

Our Future


 CH. Bullmoose Chips Ahoy (Chipper)


  Bullmoose Charming Charlie (Charlie)


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Briny and Roy--Grandfather and Grandson


 We have two males pictured here, but normally we would not recommend that.  Males tend to be territorial.  If they should fight, their size and determination will make it next to impossible to separate them and there would be serious injuries.  Normally it would be best to have a male and a female as companions.  Two females can get along.  However if one is more dominent than the other, an intolerance can develop. Sometimes people  will ask how the bullmastiff will get along with the dog they have.  Again sex is important.  A puppy growing up with the cat or the dog that is already owned, will know his family.  Bringing a adult into the family will be more difficult and introduction needs to be carefully supervised. At what age is a bullmastiff considered to be an adult?  At two years old a bullmastiff is considered to be an adult.  They are slow to mature and unfortunately leave us all too soon.  Eight to ten is considered to be old in the bullmastiff breed. 



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