Bullmoose Puppies!



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Bullmastiff puppies

Puppies can be expected to weigh around one pound at birth. By the end of the first year, that weight will have increased to one hundred plus pounds. The "rule of thumb" for measure the weight of a bullmastiff puppy is ten pounds per months. That would mean a five-month-old puppy would weigh around fifty pounds. This is why obedience training is so important for puppies to have.  Bullmastiffs are not considered mature until they reach two years old. Socialization of young bullmastiffs is a must. They must learn to be confident in themselves and how to behave in a variety of different situations.

Watch the puppy Grow

A special feature of Bullmoose Bullmastiffs is watching puppies grow. Each time we have a litter, I show pictures of the puppies once a week here on the website so people can watch them grow.  Check out our "New Litter" page and click on the link for the new litter puppies and watch them grow.


Born August 31, 1998


To see more puppies of various ages please visit the GALLERY