Bullmoose Kennels



Welcome to Bullmoose Kennels.

As you can see we are a very small kennel. Our kennel building is thirty feet long and twelve feet wide. We have five runs only. We do not plan to expand. Our kennel dogs have all the luxuries that the inside dogs have. They have both air-conditioning and heat as needed. They also get plenty of daily attention simply because we are so small. The dogs who stay at Bullmoose are chosen very carefully. We don't keep an entire litter because we might make a mistake and choose the wrong pup. We don't make mistakes and we do not begrudge those who purchase one of our dogs that turns out to be that pup that we probably should have kept. The one thing I really hate doing is turning a good looking family away if I have a pup available. Therefore if I don't have one, I do pass people on to those who do have pups available that I can recommend.

Our kennel is located in Western Maryland. We are seventy miles from Baltimore and seventy miles from Washington, D.C. Antietam Battlefield, a National Monument, is located in Sharpsburg, Maryland and that is about eight miles away. We also are about twenty minutes from Harpers Ferry, WV, another historical monument. This is truly a beautiful place to live.

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